Punkin’ Content at Home

Punkin’ has settled in, she now knows that this is her only home; has overcome the separation anxiety and rarely pees outside of the box! Now that she is relaxed in her forever home her character and personality have come through … and what personality!

She definitely has some “cattitude”; loves to tell me what she is thinking … about everything … has her own opinion and always has a comment to share. Her favorite things are getting her twice daily brushing, massages, sleeping on her bumble bee pillow (and in unusual places), chasing ribbons, and playing with her “prey” (her favorite fuzzy balls).

When the weather is nice she loves sleeping in her window bed or going out on the deck to sniff the air to find out what is going on in her neighborhood, then relaxes on one of her pillows on a chair or on the table. She thinks she is the Queen of the Castle (I keep telling her that I am the Queen, she is the Princess … but it falls on deaf ears I think!).

She passed her wellness exam a few months ago with flying colors (except for her weight). New interactive toys are on their way to help her exercise more and have a variety of things to do during her awake time. She is such a sweet girl, I am blessed to have her in my life!

Shirley Kundzicz

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